Friday, June 5, 2009

Thank you!!!

Thank you everyone for your prayers and positive thoughts!

I am feeling much better. I still have this IV attached to me, but I ate all my food, I'm so hungry. My blood work came back very good. I still have these darn blood clots. I am not coughing as much, still a some though. I did loose some weight while I was at the hospital, so I'll have to put that back on and my foster mom and the Dr. are going to discuss my further treatment for Heartworm.

How could I forget the best part???? I get to go back to home tomorrow! My foster mom is going to come get me. I'm so excited.

I'm not out of the woods yet, but I am getting there. I am such a lucky girl to find my way to Great Lakes Weim Rescue. They are taking such good care of me. I won't be available for adoption for a long time yet, but check out all the other Weims waiting for a home.

Wagging Tails and Happy Thoughts,

Ms. Violet

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Need...

Someone to hold my paw and send me prayers.

My foster mom called to check on me today. She and the Great Lakes Weim Family are very concerned about me. I guess I'm a little more under the weather then I thought.

They are taking very good care of me at the vet. They told my foster mom I am my usual happy self. But here is the problem:

Violet's prognosis is still "fair". She continues to need assistance via IV's for fluids and nourishment and is keeping some food down, but still does not have much of an appetite. Today she coughed up a couple of small blood clots from her lungs and more tests were run this afternoon to check her vital organs for status. We'll have the results tomorrow when I talk to Doc C in the morning.

So please continue to think about me and send me Zen and prayers.

Love and Gentle Kisses,


*My medical bills are mounting. GLWR is a not for profit organization. Our only income is donations and adoption fees. Sometimes, like in Violet's case, the bills are much higher then adoption fees. All donations to GLWR are tax deductible.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Ack, Ack, Sniff, Achooooo, Cough. Foster mom, I don't feel so well.

I'll let my blogger take it from her, I'm at the dog hospital.

Poor Violet, such a tough girl, fighting all the way. She had another Heartworm Treatment (ouch! that does hurt). When dogs have Heartworm Treatment the worms die and are absorbed in their lungs. Normally a dog who had very few other problems the treatment is just a bump in the road, they are kept calm and quiet for 4-6 weeks, follow up blood worm, and are usually declared HW negative and go on to live happy and healthy.

Violet is really struggling with her treatment. She stopped eating, coughed up blood (never a good sign), dark stools, couldn't keep food or water down. Her foster mom took her to the vet to find out what was going on.

The vet took X-Rays and bloodwork. Everything looked good. However, she has some debris in her lungs, this is making it difficult for the worms to absorb.

Since being in the hospital she has improved, her condition is now Fair. She is on IV fluids, trying to hide her food under her covers, and is bit perkier then before.

Her foster mom describes Violet the best:

As always with Violet, this wonderful little girl never stopped wagging her tail and smiling at you with her soulfully sad eyes. She never let's her spirits sink and is just happy to see you no matter how bad she feels. Her condition and prognosis are currently ranked at "fair" but Violet is a fighter and she desperately wants to find a comfortable, loving home when she gets through this. This dog has more heart in her worn out, overused young body that I have ever seen . She is truly "a one in a million little gem"!

Please keep your paws crossed for Violet. She is a special girl, she has managed to steal every ones heart that she has crossed paths with.

Amy (Her blogger)