Friday, June 5, 2009

Thank you!!!

Thank you everyone for your prayers and positive thoughts!

I am feeling much better. I still have this IV attached to me, but I ate all my food, I'm so hungry. My blood work came back very good. I still have these darn blood clots. I am not coughing as much, still a some though. I did loose some weight while I was at the hospital, so I'll have to put that back on and my foster mom and the Dr. are going to discuss my further treatment for Heartworm.

How could I forget the best part???? I get to go back to home tomorrow! My foster mom is going to come get me. I'm so excited.

I'm not out of the woods yet, but I am getting there. I am such a lucky girl to find my way to Great Lakes Weim Rescue. They are taking such good care of me. I won't be available for adoption for a long time yet, but check out all the other Weims waiting for a home.

Wagging Tails and Happy Thoughts,

Ms. Violet