Someone to hold my paw and send me prayers.
My foster mom called to check on me today. She and the Great Lakes Weim Family are very concerned about me. I guess I'm a little more under the weather then I thought.
They are taking very good care of me at the vet. They told my foster mom I am my usual happy self. But here is the problem:
Violet's prognosis is still "fair". She continues to need assistance via IV's for fluids and nourishment and is keeping some food down, but still does not have much of an appetite. Today she coughed up a couple of small blood clots from her lungs and more tests were run this afternoon to check her vital organs for status. We'll have the results tomorrow when I talk to Doc C in the morning.
So please continue to think about me and send me Zen and prayers.
Love and Gentle Kisses,
*My medical bills are mounting. GLWR is a not for profit organization. Our only income is donations and adoption fees. Sometimes, like in Violet's case, the bills are much higher then adoption fees. All donations to GLWR are tax deductible.
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